Miss Jacki Burglund is really important to my life, and to the community. She volunteers at Senior Meals, babysits her grandchildren and other kids whenever she can, leads the harvest
Church Sunday School, and so many other things . She even opened her own business, Cyclefit. It is pretty much a gym with spin and strength classes. I go there every week on Wednesday at 4:45 pm, but there is at least one class every day except Sunday. The point of this post is to say that Miss Jacki works really hard and I love her. Oh! Be sure to check out Cyclefit.
The updates on moving are: we have gone house hunting once and looked at houses online. We have gotten really excited about a few but they never work out. At the beginning I really believed God was going to provide a house, but we have gotten excited over so many houses that didn't work that I'm getting a little anxious because we only have a few months. But in all of this I'm going to keep up my faith that we are going to be okay. The verse Mathew 6:34 says, So don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow
will bring it's own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. I rest on that verse and trust that God will provide.