About Me

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My name is Isabella, but everyone calls me Bella. I am ten years old. I am a part of a family of seven. I like being with them and hanging out with my friends.

Friday, August 24, 2018

A fun week

Hi guys, Sorry for being so late. I have two reasons for this. First we moved and haven't unpacked the computer I usually use yet. Second, I got a new Chromebook and didn't know how to do it from there.
As some of you may know we moved to Wisconsin on August 19th. We did this because Dad is a pastor and he is going to work at Coulee Rock, a church in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
We have two weeks to unpack and explore our new town before Dad starts work. On Wednesday, August 22nd we went to The Mall Of America. We had a blast!! We had Dinner there and looked around. My favorite part was the American girl store. Have you been to there?
This is us at The Mall Of America eating dinner in front of a window.

Today we went to the Holmen library for the first time. It was really fun. I hope you are having as good a time as me this week. The verse Mathew 7:11 talks about how God loves giving good gifts to his children. I feel that I have really experienced that this week. Leave a comment and tell me a way God has shown you that.