About Me

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My name is Isabella, but everyone calls me Bella. I am ten years old. I am a part of a family of seven. I like being with them and hanging out with my friends.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A Fun Kind of Busy

Image result for volleyballHey guys, we are having a great time at school. We are having a bit of trouble getting used to being away from home though. However, I am glad Seraiah and I are there. We were on the middle school volleyball team and had a great time. We have finished the first quarter of school. Days go by so slowly now, but months go by so fast! It feels like just yesterday we were only a week in. A bug has been going around our family, so Seraiah and I are having a sick day. I am glad we made it this far though.  We are excited for winter to come so that we can go snowboarding! Comment Down below if you go snowboarding or skiing. We are also planning our church's Christmas program. We are having a lot of fun with what we are doing here. Although I am still struggling with grieving the move, I keep in mind the verse Ecclesiastes 3:11- Yet God has made everything beautiful in its own time, he has planted eternity in the human heart,  but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's plan from beginning to end. (NLT) I am still hanging on to that verse, I am choosing to believe God has a plan for me here. I want to be wherever He wants me, because that is the best place to be.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bella,
    I liked the verse you shared. It was fun to read to blog.
